Stop City Council from eliminating Vancouver's public mountain views Wed Oct 4
Immediate actions to save Vancouver's view cones
Vancouver’s public views are under threat again.
This time, ABC Councillor Peter Meiszner is putting forward a motion to City Council tomorrow (Wed, Oct 4) to eliminate Vancouver’s public mountain views.
In his motion, Councillor Meiszner is directing city staff to conduct a review aimed at eliminating public views to unlock “immediate short term” housing and job space. This is concerning, especially considering that real estate developers already have the option of density transfers if their projects are impacted by view cones.
And all view cones are up from grabs.
This will privatize Vancouver’s mountain views, a priceless public amenity, so that only the very wealthy will have access to them.
The last time our public mountain views were under threat, you helped push back city council successfully.
We need to do it again.
Few cities in the world are blessed with the natural beauty of mountains and water that Vancouver enjoys. In an increasingly unaffordable city, it's essential to safeguard our public commons for all. We cannot allow the Mayor and Council to sell out our public mountain views.
Take these actions before the City Council vote this afternoon (Tues, Oct 3rd):
Email City Council: Tell them to scrap this motion. Personalize your email for impact.
(If the email button doesn’t work, instructions are below)
Sign Up to Speak: Register to speak at the Mayor and Council meeting tomorrow Wed, Oct 4 (by phone or in person) for agenda item A4.
Rally Support: Get others to join this email list and help protect Vancouver's public views.
Email Instructions
SUBJECT LINE: [Insert something personalized]
BODY: [Please personalize this]
Dear Mayor and Council,
Protect Vancouver's public mountain views for the public.
Cancel the motion to "Modernizing the City’s View Protection Guidelines to Unlock New Housing and Economic Opportunities".
I will remember to not vote for you if you vote for this motion to eliminate and privatize Vancouver's public mountain views.